Schaubude Berlin
Greifswalder Str. 81-84
10405 Berlin
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Interaktive Installation
60 Minuten
Advancement through education. Education through the internet. These are two promises that have served as the motor of the achievement society for many years. But while some use a digital service in a self-determined way to advance their career, the work of others is increasingly scheduled and monitored through the use of digital technologies. On the basis of interviews, In Skills we Trust makes the biographies of people who have completed a so-called „class trip“ visible. Using a piece of software developed by the company itself, the participants find themselves in a playful setting and can explore the biographic material.
OutOfTheBox develops speculative software and creates performative experiential spaces at the crossroads of theater, media art, and game design. The project is the second part of the programming series Algorithms of Poverty on the topic of digital inequality by OutOfTheBox.
Notes on accessibility: Information about the accessibility of the venue in structural terms can be found here: Accessibility Information
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